
Researchers from #Nanotypos visited #Creative Nano facilities to discuss progress on common scientific interests as partners in the EU funded project #BIOMAC.
Thank you #Crative Nano for the hospitality we are expecting you in our premises in Thessaloniki.

Two new internship students working with us at Nanotypos

Nanotypos is pleased to announce that two students from the Electrical and Computer Engineering department of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) started their 3-month internship work at Nanotypos.

Nanotypos strongly encourages and supports undergraduate students to apply for internship positions at our company.

Virtual kick off meeting for the EU funded project ”In2Sight”

In this project we foster an unprecedented breakthrough in in-vivo optical imaging that will radically renew the biocompatibility tests of biomaterials. In2Sight sees the collaboration of seven partners from five countries exploiting inter-sectorial approaches in an interdisciplinary environment.

Virtual kick off meeting for the EU funded project BIOMAC

BIOMAC (European Sustainable BIO-based nanoMAterials Community) is a Horizon2020 project that will establish an Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB), a true collaborative ecosystem where technologies and solutions utilising nano-enabled bio-based materials (NBMs) will be upscaled and prepared for market applications