Polymer Replication On Nanoscale conference

Nanotypos participated in the PRN 2021 conference which was virtually hosted by FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland School of Engineering Institute of Polymer Nanotechnology (INKA). Advance nano-manufacturing processes are becoming more and more important for the production of nano enabled products and surfaces.

#nanomanufatcuring #nanoimprint #lithography #INKA #FHNW #PRN2021

Nanotypos will present in NN21 Conference

We are pleased to announce our participation in the NN21 Conference which will be held in Thessaloniki, Greece.

We have been selected to orally present our work on “Self-cleaning functional surfaces using laser microstructuring and R2R NIL for PV cell applications” and ”Sustainable nanostructured food packaging based on a biodegradable polyester”. 

We are looking forward to see you at the virtual NN21 Conference. 

Nanotypos in the 83rd Thessaloniki International Fair

The company NANOTYPOS, which provides specialized services and unique applications of nanotechnology, declares its presence in the biggest exhibition event of the country and one of the most important in Southeastern Europe, held from 8 to 16 September 2018 at the 83rd Thessaloniki International Fair.

In a theme park with more than 100 newcomers, at NIP 12, NANOTYPOS expects all visitors to get acquainted with the innovative and unique nanotechnology products and services they provide.

Pack & Label Days 2018

We are please to announce our participation in the Pack & Label Days 2018 which this year is held in Thessaloniki, Greece 11-12 May 2018 (http://packandlabeldays.com/pld-2018/). You can meet our team at the exhibition, where we will inform you about our innovative solutions for secure printing and brand protecting. Don’t miss our oral presentation during the workshop where we will explain and demonstrate examples of applications, address key industrial markets.